
What... The... Fuck...

Saturday 14 May 2011

"And to all of you talkin' shit on the internet dudes..."

I need to address this. Badly. I just don't understand a lot of you people overstepping boundaries that you wouldn't cross in real life. I just don't get it. I don't understand why you people think that it's safe to talk shit behind your keyboards. Like you have to understand that the people you pop off at the mouth are are real dudes. You can't think that the internet isn't "srs bznzz". Cats don't forget shit.

Why on earth would you think that it's peace to talk sideways to people you don't even know? Is it some sort of fucking test? Sure, behind your keyboard you're Thor, but outside of that, you're a DJ Qualls type of faggot. You can be a keyboard warrior all you want, but when you show up at a show with a smile on your face, I can guarantee that that shit eating grin of yours is going to be wiped off of your face in the most unpleasant way possible.

I'm not a violent dude. Shit, the last time I actually got into a fight was like 15 years ago (fuck you, I'm grown and old), but y'all internet heroes have another thing coming if you think that any of my family are going to let shit slide if you threaten me on some internet shit. I'm not saying that I need 1,000 cats to back me up, but they will because that's how we roll. You also have to be insane to think that ANY of these cats are going to let shit slide and say "LOLINTERNET" if you come out of your neck on some bullshit. A lot of you seem to think that a lot of these people don't or haven't lived the shit they rap about on records. Let me be the first to tell you... YOU'RE WRONG.

Let me ask you something... Would 90% of you come out of your face to people the way you do on the internet to people on the streets? Probably not. Here's a word of advice. Play your position and don't front on the internet like you're some sort of hardass when in reality you're a frail faggot. That shit can and will catch up to you. And when it does, I will point and laugh at your stupidity.

Anyway, cut the shit. It's not good for hip-hop or your health.

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